We answer hot questions of our community. When will Bitpay and ConsenSys (MetaMask) be reflected in my Zima Bank account.
13 Jun 2022, 14:18
⁉️ We answer hot questions of our community ⁉️
When will Bitpay and ConsenSys (MetaMask) be reflected in my Zima Bank account?
🔹 We are finishing legal issues on these transactions next week, before the end of the month we will add information to the accounts.
When will Kraken, Bitpay and ConsenSys shares be available for trading on Zima Bank?
🔹 We are now working on the legal part and the possibility of trading on OTC on the ZimaBank platform, officially you can sell after 6-12 months (depending on the company) after concluding an agreement with the share seller or 6 months after IPO.
How to register an email address to be linked to Zima Bank account?
🔹 Please, visit this page and fill in all necessary information:
📩 After providing and approving your data during 10 days you will get instruction on your email on how to log in, set a password and other detail. Check your “Spam” as well.
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